Frequently Asked Questions
Click on any question to see the answer
If you are 60 years of age or older, we consider you a senior.
Yes, we are a community center so everyone is welcome, but our focus is pimarily providing for Senior Citizens.
No Problem, you spouse is always welcome here with you.
Do I need to become a member inorder to use your facility?
The Riverton Senior Center is a non-profit organization, and much of our financial support comes from government grants. That is why we need you to fill out the AGNES form. But we also depend on donations from our citizens and also on fundraisers throughout the year.
We ask a suggested donation of $5 to cover the cost of a senior meal (60+), and we ask non-seniors to pay $8 per meal.
For an idea of the meals we serve, please see our monthly menu shown on the second page of this website. The meal also includes a beverage: coffee, tea, iced tea, milk, or filtered water.
The Riverton Senior Center is open for business Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, but we do close on designated holidays, or under special considerations for closure. We make every effort to announce closures in advance. Our monthly menu (see page 2 of this website) also gives planned holiday closures.
Please see the Daily Activities page of this website for a description of some of our groups and classes. And scroll down the page to see our current monthly schedule of regular activities.
Our building can be seen off Broadway, between Main Street and Pershing, on the corner of Broadway and Lincoln. Please see our Google Map on the Contact Us page of this website, or call us for more information.
No, we are a community center, and provide no residential facilities.
Yes! Please see the Transportation page of this website for information on our bus service.
Call 307-856-3546.
Yes! We encourage our seniors to get involved in the daily operations at the Riverton Senior Center, as it is a good way to stay active and make friends, and it really helps the center a lot. If you would like to volunteer, please see Kelly at our Front Desk, or call us at 307-856-6332.